por | 17 de Oct de 2024 | Actividades, Erasmus+, Noticias, Planes y programas

In the  4ºth session of the #ErasmusDays, the #IESFranciscodelosRíos has had a workshop  on learning and mobility programs in the EU., organized by Europe Direct, Andalucía Rural (ADEGUA) in which 2° Bach D, 1° Bach A and 1° Bach B had the pleasure to attend a very interesting and useful meeting taught by Lisanne Kranemann and Emilia Netwing from Germany, Marwneem Le Dwigov from France and to conclude Leonore de Rychel from Belgium. These four girls came from different parts of the European Union.

The aim of the meeting was to talk about the “EU Mobility” a program which is destinated to young people who are keen on discovering new cultures, meeting new people and of course, developing their languages skills.

“EU Mobility” offers different types of activities such as #EramusPlus (which is destinated for students all over the European Union who are interested in learning how the educational system is in other countries), the famous “Interrail” (that is a trip which is done in the summer when teens turn 18 years old and it consists on travelling for free on almost all the trains in Europe), and also, they talked about the “European Solidarity Corps (ESC)” (a program which consists in helping young people to take part in projects that benefit communities, either abroad or in their country). All these activities are subsidized by the European Comission.

The girls talked about their own experience and the benefits that they got from their trips. All of them agreed that it was an amazing and live changing experience so they highly recommend joining this type of expeditions.

To finish the meeting, students did some activities such as planning their own voyage or either playing a Kahoot to review what they had learnt about the EU Mobility.  #TalentSchool